Operations associates were spending a lot of time across different dashboards and programs to monitor their markets. To improve efficiency, this project set out to rebuild one of their most used programs to improve usability, incorporate functions from other programs, and remove bloat.
UI/UX Design
User Research
Visual Design
User Flows
High Fidelity Screens
The Team
I was the Lead Designer on this project, assisting on research, creating wireframes, high fidelity screens, prototypes etc. Product Managers Michael and Prat provided assistance with operations and city regulations knowledge and support, Berk and Vlad were engineers that built both the new and existing systems.
Unlike the Nest product which was built for Fleet Managers who function as third party contractors, the Market Manager is for internal operations teams, including associates and general managers.
I worked with the PM’s to interview different groups of associates to create user stories and learn about their workflows. We used Fig Jam to map their daily and weekly tasks and identify areas with the greatest opportunities for improved efficiency.
Existing Tools
Before Market Manager, operations associates and general managers used a wide range of internal and external programs to perform their most common tasks. Most functions required switching between tools in order to get a baseline understanding of market conditions.
Flow Overview
Because the goal of the Market Manager project was to improve efficiency in the day to day monitoring of markets, we focused on simplicity.
The market map is the main focus of the design, with side and bottom panels displaying contextual information. I used Figma and other image editing software as well Google Maps as inspiration.
Market Organization
General Managers and their team of associates are typically in charge of running several markets, grouped by geography. While anyone in the company can see information about a market, only people assigned to that market can perform actions.
Previously, the primary internal tool was organized by function, changing to a geography based model allowed ops to conceptualize their day by market.
Home Market
The home map tab shows the current state of the market demarcated by zones. The state of the zones and the information in the pins are consistent with what is shown in the fleet manager app.
Additional information such as all fleet and vehicle information is also shown as well as the ability to look up locations by address or lat-long.
When the map is zoomed in, the zone pins are replaced by nest pins. Clicking on a pin would pull up a flight sheet on the right, displaying information such as nest capacity and recommended slots.
While fleet managers would only be able to see details related to their own vehicles, operations associations would have the visibility to see information about all vehicles in that nest.
The top of the flight sheet would be information that would be consistent with that shown to Fleet Managers, while information such as nest details and rolling 7 day analytics are shown only to operations associates.
Map Editor
On the map editor, the map displays either nests or zones by toggling between the tabs on the left side panel.
A location search and tool bar is located at the top of the map panel. Tool names and hotkeys are displayed on hover.
On the right side panel, information about the selected zone will be displayed with editable fields and attributes. The history tab shows the log of edits made.
A bottom panel displayed the zones and nests in a table with sortable columns and visibility settings.
Editing zones require toggling the Edit pencil tool above. Generally, zones are drawn with shared boundaries. Overlapping geometries was a large issue when it came to editing zones in previous tools, turning on point and edge snapping enabled associates to edit zones easily and precisely.
Nest editor displays the location and radii of nests on a given map view. Often times, there can be an extremely large number of nests on a given screen.
Streetview mode allows associates to view the nest geometry in the location. Nests are usually in a circle, but certain nests can have custom geometry in places that use AR parking.
Market level configurations create an easy to use interface to replace the technical config codes that were used before and required understanding coding languages in order to modify. Creating a visual interface decreased the opportunity for errors in creating configs. Assigning lower and upper bounds for certain settings like distance detection also puts guardrails on what ops associates can adjust.
Business Impact
The rollout of the Market Manager project improved day to day operations by enabling better inter and intra-market communication between different operations teams and their Fleet Manager partners.
The map centered organization increased visibility into the active states of markets to help identify areas of improvement quickly. It improved the UX for rider and operators by creating tools to seamlessly manage and monitor user facing features.
And finally allows the product team to monitor product usage and adoption and mange rollout of new features.